kuchinoerabujima volcano eruption 2020

This is only the tip of the iceberg. JMA reported that at 0919 local time on 17 January 2019 an explosion generated a pyroclastic flow that reached about 1.9 km NW and 1 km E of the crater. Seismic data recorded by JMA between January 2003 and December 2006 indicted that the number of monthly volcanic earthquakes was typically below 200, with less than 30 tremor events. They occurred at about the same place as the swarm that occurred just before the May 2015 eruption. These small eruptive events continued from 13-20 and 23-25 April within the Shindake crater, producing gray-white plumes that rose 300-800 m above the crater. During September 2014, white plumes were generally observed 200-800 m above the crater when visibility was not obscured by weather; seismicity remained low. 2020 XX3 was first observed at Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala on December 10, eight days... Two small earthquakes were registered near New Zealand's Mount Taranaki this week-- weak and shallow M3.2 on December 8, 2020, and M1.6 on December 11. 2020年最新!日本一の軽キャンついに製品化!バロッコKパッケージの紹介! - Duration: 22:23. ケンキャン Recommended for you. Ashfall 2 km NE of the crater was confirmed during aerial observations on 23 January. Volcanic earthquakes had declined on 30 May but continued to periodically occur. All historical eruptions have originated from the Shindake cone, with the exception of a lava flow that originated from the S flank of the Furudake cone. Information Contacts: Volcanological Division, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan. Information Contacts: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Volcanological Division, Seismological and Volcanological Department, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan. An eruption at Kuchinoerabujima began at 1505 on 11 January and produced ash plumes that rose 2 km above the crater rim, drifted E, and then faded into a weather cloud. A day after, December... A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2020 XG2 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.13 LD / 0.00033 AU (49 367 km / 30 675 miles) from the center of our planet at 19:15 UTC on December 7, 2020. Kuchinoerabujima "Magna increase, comparable to before explosive eruption" Volcanic eruption Prediction Jun 30 21:45. Scientists conducting a field survey on 12 September found SO2 emissions at 300 metric tons per day (t/d), higher than the background value of 60 t/d measured on 21 May 2014. Source: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Eruption and ash plumes begin on 11 January 2020 and continue through April 2020. | November The total number of earthquakes recorded was 32 in January, 40 in February, and 77 in March. [JMA reported that there was no damage.]. Ash explosions up to 7 km (23 000 feet) above sea level began at about 20:45 UTC, drifting northwest of the volcano, KVERT reports. According to a news article all residents and visitors (137-141) were safely evacuated by a ferry to neighboring Yakushima Island. Observers doing fieldwork on 14 and 15 November noted that thermal measurements in the crater had not changed. According to JMA, at 0959 local time on 29 May 2015, a large explosive phreatomagmatic eruption generated a gray-black ash plume that rose to over 9 km altitude and drifted ESE (figure 5). Japan Meteorological Agency, 2013. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), pyroclastic flows -- the first since January 29, 2019 -- traveled around 900 m (2 953 feet) southwest of the crater. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). The Alert Level remained at 5 (the highest level on a 1-5 scale). Seismicity decreased significantly after the 19 June explosion, but SO2 emissions remained elevated until October 2015. Ash fell on the sea [SW] of the volcano, missing the homes of the 12 x 5 km island's 300 residents. The earthquake hypocenters were about 5 km deep, below the SW flanks of Shindake, and the maximum magnitude was 1.9. On 3 August, JMA reported that Kuchinoerabujima erupted in the vicinity of Shin-dake crater and an overflight confirmed traces of ash on the west side of the volcano. On 13 August a white plume rose 600 m and on 18 August rose 50 m above the crater rim. Very small eruptive events recorded at Kuchinoerabujima on 20, 23, and 24 January produced grayish-white plumes that rose 500 m above the crater rim. Recent monthly reports of volcanic activity from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) translated into English resumed in October 2010. In addition the temperature of a thermal anomaly in the W part continued to rise. A rise in hazard status owing to 2008 seismicity and GPS-measured inflation. Small eruptions also occurred at 1631 on 18 June and at 0943 on 19 June. Sulfur dioxide emissions had increased since the beginning of August; they were 1,600, 1,000, and 1,200 tons/day on 11, 13, and 17 August, respectively. Fumarolic activity in a crack in W part of the crater was observed during a field survey. JMA reported that at 0521 on 3 February an eruption at Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater produced an ash plume that rose 7 km above the crater rim, based on satellite images, and ejected material 600 m away from the crater. A strong eruption took place at Mount Shindake’s Kuchinoerabujima volcano at 07:37 UTC on Dec 18. JMA reported that no eruptions occurred from Kuchinoerabujima during 18-22 May, although the level of activity remained elevated. There is a drop-down list with volcano names which allow users to 'zoom-in' and examine the distribution of hot-spots at a variety of spatial scales. A large-amplitude volcanic tremor event was accompanied by fluctuating tilt at 1318 on 11 February. On 14 June 2016, JMA lowered the Alert Level to 3; seismic activity and SO2 flux values were below levels detected prior to the May-June 2015 eruption. JMA reported that on 15 August 2018 a swarm of deep volcanic earthquakes was recorded, prompting an increase in the Alert Level to 4. Volcanic earthquakes increased after that event, but then decreased around 1300. At Kuchierabujima volcano, eruption began intermittently from January to February 2020. SO2 emissions continued to decline in September, except for a spike of 700 t/d on 10 September. "After the 28 September eruption, which lasted for 1/2 hour, no additional eruptions had occurred as of the end of December. All historical eruptions have occurred from Shindake, although a lava flow from the S flank of Furudake that reached the coast has a very fresh morphology. Rocks were ejected 600 m from the crater and ash emissions rose to an altitude of 7000 m. | October Information Contacts: T. Tiba, National Science Museum, Tokyo. The last explosion took place on 3 June 1974. The 2015 eruption of Hakone Posted by Julie Celestial on February 3, 2020 at 14:47 UTC (10 months ago) Categories: Editors' picks, Volcanoes. Monthly Archives: December 2020 Ten volcanoes with super-eruption potential: Part I Where will the next VEI 8 supereruption (>1000 km3 of erupted volume) of the planet take place? Low-level seismicity continued and tremor was absent. White fumarolic plumes rising from the summit area increased in height (up to 400 m) and frequency (every 1-2 days) after September 2008 through 2009. White plumes rose 600 m above the crater. "Seismicity was relatively weak in October and November except on 4 and 9 October when swarms of small B-type earthquakes were recorded (figure 2). This is the first eruption at the volcano since February 2, 2019. During this time, SO2 emissions ranged from 100 to 1,000 tons/day. Several villages on the 4 x 12 km island are located within a few kilometers of the active crater and have suffered damage from eruptions. Later that day, ash plumes rose 200 m and drifted SW. Ash plumes continued the next day, 30 May, rising only 1.2 km. Ash plumes rose as high as 1.2 km above the crater rim during 12-19 November and, according to the Tokyo VAAC, drifted in multiple directions. The glacier-covered volcano is the westernmost of three large stratovolcanoes along an E-W line in the eastern half of Unimak Island. When one is found the date, time, location, and intensity are recorded. JMA reported that at 0959 on 29 May an explosive and phreatomagmatic eruption at Kuchinoerabujima generated an ash plume that rose 9 km above Shindake Crater's rim and drifted ESE. Low-level seismicity continued and tremor was absent. Data courtesy of JMA. Seismicity increased again on 27 March. The SO2 emissions during March ranged from 700-2,100 tons/day, the latter of which occurred on 15 March. National Catalogue of the Active Volcanoes in Japan (second edition). Anomalous seismicity and inflation was noted at Kuchinoerabu-jima in late 2008. Low-level seismicity continued and tremor was absent. Activity during March-June 2015. Pyroclastic flows descended the SW flank and reached the coast on the NW flank. The Alert Level remained at 3 (the middle level on a scale of 1-5). All historical eruptions have originated from the Shindake cone, with the exception of a lava flow that originated from the S flank of the Furudake cone. JMA reported that no eruptions occurred from Kuchinoerabujima during 1-5 December, although the level of activity remained elevated. We know of no other recent report on this volcano's seismic activity; therefore, this report summarizes seismicity between December 2011 and January 2012. No surficial changes in gas emissions or thermal areas were observed during 16-20 August. Explosions on 3 August 2014, 29-30 May 2015 (with pyroclastic flow), and 18-19 June 2015. After 30 minutes the height of the smoke column decreased to about 200 m (twice that of usual emissions). Activity during 2016-2018. Any other volcano in the world that had been doing nothing for that long would not be high on our list of places of interest. White plumes were visible on webcamera images rising 800 m from the crater during 8-12 September and to 600 m during 13-16 September. Information on the latest activity is provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) monthly reports and aviation alerts are from the Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). No eruptive activity has been reported at Kuchinoerabu-jima since a small eruption in September 1980 (SEAN 05:12). 2019: January GPS measurements indicated that inflation just below the summit crater, which had started in September, was continuing. 2018: April For each MODIS image, the algorithm automatically scans each 1 km pixel within it to check for high-temperature hot-spots. JMA reported that during 28 November-3 December intermittent events at Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater generated plumes that rose as high as 1.5 km above the crater rim. White plumes rose 300 m above the crater. Sources: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA); Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). Table 1. Pyroclastic flows travelled 900 m southwest of the crater. Information Contacts: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Otemachi, 1-3-4, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8122, Japan (URL: http://www.jma.go.jp/). Heavy rainfall in the Democratic Republic of Congo during early December has caused deadly flooding in Mbanza-Ngungu, leaving at least 18 fatalities. A large explosion on 29 May 2015 generated a gray-black ash plume that rose to over 9 km altitude and sent pyroclastic flows down the flanks; JMA increased the Alert Level and ordered evacuation of local residents. Activity during August 2014-February 2015. 1 min after the eruption on August 3, … The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). Yakushima Chigaku Club, 3. Life returned to normal for the island's 300 inhabitants soon after the 28 September eruption. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). Large numbers of tremors were recorded again in April-May 2009. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). Continuing fumarolic actiivty in a crack in W part of the crater was confirmed during a field survey. According to JMA, between July 2016 and August 2018, the volcano was relatively quiet. Another celestial event is set to occur on the same day as a total eclipse will be... Seismic activity increased on Mauna Loa's northwest flank on December 4, 2020, with M4.1 earthquake and clusters of small, shallow earthquakes occurring closely in time and location. r/Volcanoes: Volcano pictures, videos, fun facts, anything! On 18 April 2018 the Alert Level was lowered from 3 to 2 (on a scale of 1-5). Picture by Oki Sakura / FB via Shérine France. Activity has been limited to Kuchinoerabujima's Shindake Crater. The number of volcanic earthquakes increased during 25-26 January. EMSC is reporting M6.2 at a depth of 71 km (44 miles). Seismicity decreased after that time, until an earthquake swarm was recorded during 27-29 September 2009 (about 150 earthquakes). White plumes rose 1 km above Shindake Crater. On 3 February, an eruption from the Shindake crater at 0521 produced an ash plume that rose 7 km above the crater and ejected material as far as 600 m away. EarthChem is operated by a joint team of disciplinary scientists, data scientists, data managers and information technology developers who are part of the NSF-funded data facility. The resulting ash plumes rose 400 m above the crater, drifting SW while the SO2 emissions measured 1,300 tons/day. Sulfur dioxide gas emissions were 200-1,000 tons per day during 20-27 January; JMA characterized emissions of 600-1,000 tons per day as high. | June Brief periods of higher seismicity had been detected in the last approximately 30 years, although no explosions had been recorded since 1980 (BGVN 35:11 and 38:01). The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). As a result, a pyroclastic flow formed, traveling 900-1,500 m SW. 2020: January A resident of Yakushima reported that ash reached the island. Volcanic Video Site. An eruption on 9 February produced an ash plume that rose 1.2 km altitude, drifting SE. JMA reported that Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater has not erupted since 3 February, and the number of shallow earthquakes located near the crater had been decreasing since then. For the rest of August, seismicity remained low and steam plumes rose 50 to 800 m above the crater. JMA reported that during 31 October-5 November there were very small events recorded at Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater. Low-level seismicity continued and tremor was absent. Reference. The 19-km-diameter Kikai caldera, which is mainly submarine, sits a few tens of kilometers to the N, and is renowned for its massive eruption ~ 6,300 years ago. Emissions of SO2 remained high during the second half of January 2015, ranging from 1,100 to 3,100 t/d. Another smaller eruption on 18 June 2015 caused lapilli and ash to fall on the E side of the island. A modest explosion from Shindake crater on 3 August 2014 caused JMA to increase the Alert Level at the volcano. Additionally, thermal images showed 5-km-long pyroclastic flow deposits on the SW flank. The volcano, located in the southwestern prefecture of … Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). JMA reported that a low-temperature thermal anomaly persisted near the W fracture in Kuchinoerabujima Shindake crater. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). White plumes rose 600 m above the crater. Sulfur dioxide emissions remained elevated. The volcano had been in a state of unrest since September 2008. A M 2.2 seismic event located 5 km beneath the island was recorded on 24 January. A pyroclastic flow traveled about 900 m SW, the first one recorded since 29 January 2019. JMA reported that during 20-26 August there were few episodes of volcanic tremor and volcanic earthquakes, with no explosions at Kuchinoerabujima. A considerable amount of white vapor was emitted from the fissure. Post-eruption observations through June 2016. During a field observation on 28 October, JMA scientists did not observe any changes in the thermal anomalies at the crater. Residents of the neighborhood were evacuated to Banyagamine hill about two kilometers from the village. 2009: March The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). Increased seismicity was recorded briefly from 1-3 and 6-11 August. Ergon Energy spokeswoman Emma Oliveri said... A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit near Yilan, Taiwan at 13:19 UTC on December 10, 2020. Gas-and-steam emissions continued infrequently for the duration of the reporting period. Sulfur dioxide emissions had decreased in January 2009, followed by a decrease in the rate of deformation. | October The report noted that volcanic tremor had not been detected, the temperature of thermal areas had declined, sulfur dioxide gas flux was lower than values detected prior to the May-June 2015 eruption, and volcanic earthquake levels were lower than levels detected in August 2014. Synonyms of features appear indented below the primary name. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). WOVOdat is a database of volcanic unrest; instrumentally and visually recorded changes in seismicity, ground deformation, gas emission, and other parameters from their normal baselines. The event ejected material that fell in the crater area, and generated a pyroclastic flow that traveled 1 km W. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). According to the Kagoshima Regional Meteorological Observatory, the pyroclastic flows were not confirmed during this eruption. JMA reported that after the 3 February eruption at Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater the number of volcanic earthquakes decreased, and very small eruptive events occurred intermittently though 5 February and on 9 February. I'm fascinated with skies, stars, and every speck of dust in the universe. Eruption recorded on the seismogram with amplitude max 75 mm and 105 second duration. Fumarolic activity near summit had also increased. Based on these events, JMA raised the Volcanic Alert Level to 5 (Evacuate). Several villages on the 4 x 12 km (2.5 x 7.5 miles) island are located within a few kilometers of the active crater and have suffered damage from eruptions. Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, Eruptions, Earthquakes & Emissions Application, Department of Mineral Sciences Rock and Ore collection, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO), Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions (LaMEVE), Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA), Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA). There is no Deformation History data available for Kuchinoerabujima. Intermittent small eruptive events occurred during 5-9 February; field observations showed a large amount of ashfall on the SE flank which included lapilli that measured up to 2 cm in diameter. On 5 August, volcanic seismicity and volcanic tremor decreased and views from a remote web camera showed a white plume 50 m above the crater rim. Minor eruptive activity was reported during 17-20 January which produced gray-white plumes that rose 300-500 m above the crater. A very weak explosion was recorded at 1831 on 21 October, with additional activity between 2110 on 21 October and 1350 on 22 October; plumes rose 200 m above the crater rim. Explosive eruptions in May 2015 forced all islanders to evacuate to Yakushima island-- 12 km (7 miles) east. (GVP). Aerial observation conducted on the same day (in collaboration with the Kyushu Regional Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) revealed additional pyroclastic flows moving in nearly all directions from the Shindake crater (figure 6) including flows reaching halfway down the mountain to the SW and SE of the crater. Some periods of increased seismicity through 2009; white plumes. Kuchinoerabu Island, which is around 130 km (81 miles) south-southwest of Kagoshima city, covers an area of 36 km2 (14 mi2) and is home to 100 people as of December 2019. Kuchinoerabujima encompasses a group of young stratovolcanoes located in the northern Ryukyu Islands. 口永良部島の噴火の瞬間の動画です。気象庁の高感度カメラには、噴火の様子が写っています。#鹿児島 #口永良部島 pic.twitter.com/rFmKe2U0Cr. Shin-dake is the summit cone, and has been the site of all 13 eruptions known since 1840. Kuno H, 1962. Sulfur dioxide emissions were 400-600 tons per day during 20-23 February. An eruptive event was recorded at 0148 on 27 January, though weather clouds prevented visual confirmation; volcanic tremor, changes in tilt data, and infrasound signals accompanied the event. Bull Volc Soc Japan (Kazan), 51: 1-20 (in Japanese with English abs). Eruptions in 1980 and 1933, destroyed a village, killed up to eight people, and affected 26 others. Information Contacts: Volcanological Division, Seismological and Volcanological Department, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan; Volcano Research Center (VRC-ERI), Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo , Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan (URL: http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/VRC/index_E.html). JMA reported that no eruptions occurred from Kuchinoerabujima during 16-20 February, although the level of activity remained elevated. The Alert Level for Kuchinoerabujima remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). During January-March 2018, both the number of volcanic earthquakes (generally numerous and typically shallow) and sulfur dioxide flux remained slightly above baselines levels in August 2014 (60-500 tons/day compared tp generally less than 100 tons/day in August 2014). ... Explosive eruption continues at Sakurajima volcano, with moderate to strong explosions on December 9 and 10 becoming nearly continuous. Geshi N, Kobayashi T, 2006. According to a field survey on 11 January, infrared images (compared to images obtained in December 2011) showed no significant change in temperature distribution either at the summit or on the W slope of Shin-dake (also refered to as Shin-take), the youngest and most active cone. JMA reported that no eruptions occurred from Kuchinoerabujima during 26-29 September. Scientists aboard an overflight on 10 February observed a new crater with high-temperature areas on the NE part, new fissures, and white steam emissions. Japan, Taiwan and Marianas. One such episode, beginning in early September 2008, prompted two increases in the hazard status by late October when the seismicity was accompanied by inflation and increased fumarolic activity near the summit (BGVN 33:09). The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-5). The island of the same name is home to ~ 140 residents and lies ~ 130 km S of the city of Kagoshima (Kyushu Island, Japan). Posted by Teo BlaÅ¡ković on January 11, 2020 Watchers.news. Seismicity continued at low levels, and during the first week of June white plumes rose 100-400 m above the crater rim. The Californian volcano has so much magma beneath the surface, it could support an eruption equivalent to the massive one which occurred 767,000 years ago, … Expand each entry for additional details. Ash fell in parts of Yakushima. Information is based on monthly and annual reports from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and advisories from the Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). Tephra was ejected 300 m from the crater, and ashfall was reported on neighboring Yakushima Island. No surficial changes in gas emissions or thermal areas were observed during 16-20 August. | October There were no injuries and damage reported. The Alert Level was lowered to 3 (the highest level on a 1-5 scale) on 14 June, and the public was reminded to stay at least 2 km away from Shindake Crater. On 14 June JMA reported that no activity at Kuchinoerabujima had been detected after a small eruption on 19 June 2015. Using infrared satellite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, scientists at the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawai'i, developed an automated system called MODVOLC to map thermal hot-spots in near real time. On 6 November, crater incandescence began to be periodically visible. Information Contacts: Volcanological Division, Seismological and Volcanological Department, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan; Setsuya Nakada, Volcano Research Center, ERI, University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan (URL: http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/VRC/index_E.html). White plumes rose 1 km above Shindake Crater, and incandescence from the crater was observed at night. Seismicity increased during 3-5 September; tremor was occasionally detected. Minor ash explosions have occurred in seven different years since 1966. The eruption continued through 12 January until 0730. A large earthquake was also detected on 18 October but had occurred at a slightly deeper location (below the W part of Shindake Crater) than the 27 October event. The earthquake hypocenters were about 5 km deep, below the SW flanks of Shindake, and the maximum magnitude was 1.9. JMA reported that no eruptions occurred from Kuchinoerabujima during 29 September-3 October. 2015: January Japan , Kuchinoerabujima : At 3:05 p.m., there was an eruption on the Kuchierabujima in Yakushima-cho today. Seismicity was higher in March 2004, January-February, May, July-September, and November 2005, March-April, August, and October-December 2006, and February and April 2007 (table 1). The island can only be reached by boat as it has no airport. According to the Sakura-jima Volcanological Observatory of Kyoto University, the number of earthquakes has increased around Shin-dake since January. JMA reported that no eruptions occurred from Kuchinoerabujima during 5-9 January, although the level of activity remained elevated. Egg-sized volcanic ejecta fell, and ash 2 cm deep was measured in a village 3 km from the crater. | March r/Volcanoes: Volcano pictures, videos, fun facts, anything! | May The Alert Level remained at 3. 2016: June Each day updated global maps are compiled to display the locations of all hot spots detected in the previous 24 hours. Kuchinoerabujima: Lat/Lon: 30.443 , 130.217: Event Date: 16 Jan 2020 00:00 UTC: Exposed Population 30km: About 2000 people within 30km: Exposed Population 100km: About 110000 people within 100km: Volcanic explosivity index: 4: Population exposure index: 2: Inserted at: 16 Jan 2020 … The volcano, which had last erupted in 1980, erupted on August 3, 2014, at 12:24 local time. JMA reported that intermittent events at Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater had been recorded since 21 October, and crater incandescence began to be periodically visible on 6 November. | February Press J to jump to the feed. Emissions of SO2 remained below 300 t/d for the remainder of 2015 and no further activity was reported, although the Alert Level remained at 5. Very small-scale maps (such as world maps) are not included. | December The previous pyroclastic flow that was recorded occurred on 29 January 2019. In another survey on 9 December 2014, scientists found that SO2 levels had increased to 1,700 t/d. The last eruption was a weak 30-minute explosion on 28 September 1980 that sent an ash plume 2-3 km high. Mount Sinabung erupts, in Karo, North Sumatra, Indonesia; Sinabung Volcano in Indonesia erupted August 10 2020 ! Kuchinoerabujima volcano in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan erupted early Monday, February 3, 2020, ejecting volcanic ash up to 7 000 m (23 000 feet) above sea level. Cloud cover prevented views of the eruption area, but the team was able to confirm continued fumarolic activity from a crack in the W part of the crater as well as incandescence. JMA reported that during 22-26 November intermittent events at Kuchinoerabujima’s Shindake Crater generated plumes that rose as high as 2.1 km above the crater rim. According to GeoNet, earthquakes near the volcano are considered rare. Japan's Kuchinoerabujima volcano erupted at 06:05 UTC on January 11, 2020, ejecting volcanic material up to 300 m (984 feet) from the crater of Mount Shindake. JMA lowered the Alert Level to 2 (the second lowest level on a scale of 1-5) on 12 June.

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