Square root and Approximations

Scientific and Standard Notations

Linear inequalities


Many of you would be preparing for Sat/ACT exams to get admission in one of your favorite top college or university. I wish you all the very BEST!

Let me tell you some basic things which will surely help you to land in one of your targeted college or university.

-Register yourself at least one month before exam. But allow yourself ample time if you are first timer so start preparing three months before exam.
-Make a list of top 5 colleges/ universities of your choice. Observe their previous years cut-off scores and based on that target your scores which you need to achieve.
-There is exam either SAT or ACT on almost every other month, so take 2-3 test continuously . On your very first exam you just get to be familiar with the style of answering the questions.
-Don’t take too much time off between two tests so that everything remain fresh in your memory. In your 2nd or 3rd attempt I’m sure you shall ne able to achieve your target. More than 3 tests won’t be much helpful. So don’t waste time and engage yourself in other useful activities.